Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Decrease in Work Related Deaths

Business Insurance and Risk Assessment specialists Alan Boswell Group reports on the latest HSE figures.

The provisional figures for the year 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2010 show the number of people killed at work in Britain fell to a record low of 151 in 2009/2010. This was a reduction of 27 on the previous year’s figure of 178 – April 2008 to March 2009. More impressively it was 31 per cent lower than the average figure for the last five years.

The provisional figures reveal that agriculture was the most dangerous industry with 38 workers losing their lives on farms last year compared with 25 deaths in 2008/09, an increase of some 52 per cent.

The construction industry, traditionally the most dangerous sector, saw a significant fall in the number of deaths on sites last year. A total of 41 fatal injuries were recorded, down from 52 deaths the previous year which is way below the average for the last five years of 66.

Manufacturing improved also, with 24 fatalities in 2009/2010 compared with 33 the previous year. In the services sector, 42 workers died – 20 fewer than in 2008/09, and 30 fewer than the five-year average of 72.

While the HSE emphasised the contribution of “good practice, leadership and employee engagement” in the record low figures it was also pragmatic about the reasons for the improved performance, acknowledging that the recession has resulted in lower levels of activity in some sectors and a decrease in the number of new, inexperienced recruits.

The Executive added that now is not the time to ease off the throttle. A spokesperson said “Of course this is a welcome reduction in the number of work-related deaths but the evidence on economic cycles shows that while there are fewer fatalities during recessions, as we move into recovery the injury rate will rise. We cannot be complacent – we don’t want to be talking this time next year about an increase in fatalities, so we need to be extra vigilant, not less so, for when the recovery happens.”

So the message going forward is to give ourselves a pat on the back for these much improved figures but continue to look at ways to drive these numbers down further by good and practical risk management particularly as the recovery from recession gathers pace.

Additional information on the statistics can be found at

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