Not only has the government announced that Business Minister Mark Prisk, is to see through reforms a back bench MP Christopher Chope – Conservative for Christchurch has sponsored six bills as a show of support for Youngs proposals. The appointment and timing of such measures demonstrates the wide spread support among the Government for a review of health and safety.
The six bills that received their first reading in October are:
The Health and Safety at Work (Amendment) Bill which wishes to separate play and leisure from work based activities.
The Compensation (Limitation) Bill which wants reform of civil litigation particularly the way in which legal costs are recovered.
The Health and Safety Consultants (Qualifications) Bill which wants to introduce minimum qualifications for those acting as health and safety consultants. This has already been adopted to some extent by significant health and safety bodies with a voluntary register being introduced from January 2011 which will be managed by the HSE.
The Low Hazard Workplace Risk Assessment Exemption Bill which wants to exempt employers producing risk assessments for low hazard workplaces.
The Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation Bill which wants to reduce current reporting requirements
The Self Employment (Risk Assessment Exemption) Bill to exempt the self employed in low hazard work from producing written risk assessments. (Although the self employed do not have to produce written risk assessments)
The bills will not be printed until nearer the second reading although the Reporting of Injuries etc. Bill is scheduled for debate before the end of 2011.
Private members bills very rarely become statute law, but as these have been presented health and safety reform is still very much in the Governments sights. However until any of them make the statute book the phrase “keep calm and carry on” springs to mind as of yet nothing has changed.
For more information on health and safety at work, risk management and business insurance, speak to Alan Boswell Insurance Brokers on 01603 218000 or visit our website –